Exercise Database Update Notes
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Version 2.6 Update Notes (Sunday, March 2nd, 2025)
Added “Sled” as a new “Primary Equipment” item.
Added 15 new kettlebell bicep curl variations.
Added 8 new kettlebell tactical clean combination exercises.
Added 4 new sled exercises.
Added 4 new copenhagen plank variations.
Added 4 other bicep curl variations.
Added 3 new kettlebell half snatch variations.
Added 3 new cable tricep pushdown exercises.
Added 2 new kettlebell bent press variations.
Added 3 new miscellaneous exercises.
Added a “Resources” tab – this section has other tools that might help your training business / fitness journey and is a way to help support the project.
Changed macebell 10 to 2 load position to behind back.
Version 2.5 Update Notes (Saturday, February 1st, 2025)
Added 43 new lateral lunge variations.
Removed 40 clubbell front flag hold exercises (not sure if it is practical)
Added 9 new kettlebell horn grip exercises.
Added 7 new additional kettlebell exercises.
Added 3 new stability ball exercises.
Added 2 new heavy sandbag exercises.
Added 2 new cable rotational exercises.
Added 2 new miscellaneous exercises.
Changed lateral lunge variations to a knee dominant exercise.
Changed lateral lunge variations to a quadriceps exercise from an adductor exercise.
Version 2.4 Update Notes (Wednesday, January 1st, 2025)
Added 48 new reverse lunge variations.
Added 11 new single arm macebell order exercises.
Added 4 new push up variations.
Added 3 new march variations.
Added 3 new barbell overhead tricep extension variations.
Added 3 new superband exercises.
Added 3 other macebell exercises.
Added 2 new pallof press variations.
Added 18 other miscellaneous exercises.
Replaced broken video explanation links.
Changed pallof press from a frontal plane exercise to transverse plane.
Changed skin the cat variations to a rotational exercise.
Changed front swing to 360 variations to inside circle to 360.
Changed superband assisted dips to a tricep exercise.
Version 2.3 Update Notes (Monday, December 2nd, 2024)
Added a new continuous or alternating legs filter.
Added 70 new russian step up variations.
Added 50 new forward lunge variations.
Added 30 new step up variations.
Added 13 new kettlebell dead clean variations.
Added 10 new dumbbell exercises.
Added 7 new macebell exercises.
Added 3 other kettlebell exercises.
Added 15 other miscellaneous exercises.
Changed thruster variations to a quadriceps exercise – as quads are the larger, more dominant muscle.
Removed “box” from step up variations in the name description. You might use a bench, step, or other platform as well.
Version 2.2 Update Notes (Friday, November 1st, 2024)
Added 20 new kettlebell/dumbbell seesaw press variations (chest & shoulder).
Added 16 new kettlebell snatch variations.
Added 14 new kettlebell clean variations.
Added 13 new shrug variations.
Added 10 new clubbell exercises.
Added 6 new dumbbell arnold press variations.
Added 6 new barbell zercher variations.
Added 5 new heavy sandbag exercises.
Added 5 new landmine exercises.
Added 5 new kettlebell swing variations.
Added 5 new barbell hang power clean variations.
Added 5 additional new kettlebell exercises.
Added 5 additional new dumbbell exercises.
Added 4 new barbell hang squat clean variations.
Added 22 additional new miscellaneous exercises.
Added “Anterior Deltoids” as “Secondary Muscle” for snatch variations.
Changed Split Jerk posture to “Staggered Stance”.
Changed “Load Position” for shrugs to “Suitcase”.
Changed “Movement Pattern #1” to “Hip Hinge” for kettlebell clean combo exercises.
Version 2.1 Update Notes (Tuesday, October 1st, 2024)
Added “Wall Ball” as a new “Primary Equipment” item.
Added “Behind Back” as a new “Load Position” item for clubbell and macebell exercises.
Added 67 new knee over toe split squat variations.
Added 45 new slider curtsy lunge variations.
Added 43 new curtsy lunge variations.
Added 42 new split squat variations.
Added 13 new bulgarian split squat variations.
Added 7 new wall ball exercises.
Added 5 new hamstring curl exercises.
Added 4 new spider curl variations
Added 4 new tricep kickback variations.
Added 3 new loaded carry variations.
Added 11 new miscellaneous exercises.
Added “Bench (Flat)” as a “Secondary Equipment” item for bulgarian split squat exercises.
Changed “Knee Over Toes Split Squat” to “Knee Over Toe Split Squat”.
Version 2.0 Update Notes (Sunday, September 1st, 2024)
Added “Trap Bar” as a new “Primary Equipment” item.
Added a new “Foot Elevation” filter to find foot elevated exercises (front foot elevated, rear foot elevated, heels elevated, etc.)
Added 67 new cossack squat variations.
Added 44 new dumbbell exercises.
Added 31 new kettlebell exercises.
Added 31 new slider lateral lunge variations.
Added 29 new alternating curtsy lunge variations
Added 24 new battle rope exercises.
Added 22 new macebell exercises.
Added 22 new bench press variations.
Added 21 new trap bar exercises.
Added 15 new barbell exercises.
Added 10 new bodyweight exercises.
Added 10 new suspension exercises.
Added 8 new plate exercises.
Added 7 new floor press variations.
Added 6 new miniband variations.
Added 6 new bulgarian bag variations.
Added 6 new sandbag variations.
Added 5 new landmine variations.
Added 15 + other miscellaneous exercises.
Added 80 + missing video demonstrations.
Added “Bench (Flat)” for feet elevated exercises.
Added “Zercher” as a new “Load Position”.
Changed “Bear Hug” from “Grip” to “Load Position”.
Changed Bodyweight from 0 to 1 for “# Primary Items”.
Updated various exercise classifications.
Version 1.9 Update Notes (Thursday, August 1st, 2024)
Added “Tire” as a new “Primary Equipment” item.
Added “Shins” as a new “Target Muscle Group” item.
Added 43 new calf raise variations (standing, seated, split squat isometric) to target soleus or gastrocnemius.
Added 39 new slider reverse lunge variations.
Added 24 new bodyweight exercises.
Added 22 new tire exercises.
Added 21 new kettlebell exercises.
Added 18 new dumbbell exercises.
Added 15 new clubbell exercises.
Added 14 new ez bar exercises.
Added 12 new dumbbell bicep curl variations.
Added 10 new skull crusher variations.
Added 9 new barbell olympic weightlifting exercises.
Added 6 new carry variations.
Added 5 new tibialis raise variations.
Added 3 new macebell exercises.
Added 15 additional new miscellaneous exercises.
Added 11 missing video demonstrations for kettlebell lunge variations.
Added 3 missing video demonstrations for the heavy sandbag.
Added “None” for blank entries under “Secondary Equipment”.
Added missing “Bench” items under “Secondary Equipment” for seated exercises and hip thrust variations.
Changed exercise name “Box Step Up to Single Leg Balance” to “Box Russian Step Up”.
Changed “Half Knee Hover” posture to “Split Squat Isometric”. Seems to be a more standardized description for the position.
Changed “Adductor Slide” to “Slider Lateral Lunge” for consistency with rest of database.
Switched a number of “Video Demonstration” videos that are better suited as “Video Explanation” videos. Going to keep video demonstrations as non-verbal and just a quick snapshot of the movement pattern.
Replaced various broken “Video Demonstration” links.
Corrected “Skater Squat” variations posture to “Single Leg Standing”.
Changed various “Split Jerk“ and “Push Jerk” to Shoulder Exercise / Vertical Push.
Version 1.8 Update Notes (Monday, July 1st, 2024)
Added “Sandbag” as a new “Primary Equipment” item.
Added 108 new lunge variations (forward, reverse, lateral, walking).
Added 23 new resistance band exercises.
Added 15 new march variations.
Added 15 new l sit variations.
Added 11 new clubbell exercises.
Added 9 new cyclist squat variations.
Added 7 new cossack squat variations.
Added 7 new bulgarian split squat variations.
Added 5 new planche variations.
Added 5 new mountain climber variations.
Added 4 new box step up variations.
Added 4 new push up variations.
Added 12 other miscellaneous exercises.
Added “Bodyweight” in name description for all bodyweight exercises
Changed “Strongman Sandbag” to “Heavy Sandbag”, as these are also used in CrossFit and other applications. Not sure which name is more appropriate - feedback welcomed on this.
Categorized various macebell and clubbell exercises as “Ballistic” under “Exercise Classification”.
Corrected 4 kettlebell/dumbbell suitcase loaded carry “Load Position” to “Suitcase”.
Corrected low bar squat variations “Prime Mover” category to “Quadriceps” from “Glutes”. It’s still a quad focused exercise but more glute activation relative to the high bar variation.
Version 1.7 Update Notes (Sunday, June 2nd, 2024)
Added “Pull Up Bar” to the “Primary Equipment” category heading.
Added 44 new pull up bar exercises.
Added 37 new box step up exercises.
Added 9 new kettlebell pistol squat variations.
Added 6 new alternating dumbbell bench press variations.
Added 4 new macebell cossack squat variations.
Renamed eccentric exercise variations.
Renamed ½ or 1 to Half or Single in name description for database consistency.
Version 1.6 Update Notes (Thursday, May 2nd, 2024)
Added an “Update Notes” link directly in the spreadsheet so you can now stay up to date on recent improvements each month.
Added “Force Type” filter, where you can select all push / pull / push & pull exercises. When combined with the “Body Region” filter - you can quickly filter the database for all upper body push exercises, etc. I still have to sort through a number of exercises for this filter.
Added “Strongman Sandbag” to the “Primary Equipment” category heading.
Added “Plyo Box” to the “Secondary Equipment” category heading.
Added 15 new strongman sandbag exercises
Added 16 new loaded carry variations.
Added 16 new walking lunge variations
Added 10 new kettlebell overhead press variations
Added 3 new sissy squat variations
Added 3 new kettlebell arm bar variations
Added 12 other new miscellaneous exercises
Added “Double” to exercise name description for 2 dumbbell exercises for consistency with the rest of the database.
Corrected video demonstration for Ring Pelican Curl
Version 1.5 Update Notes (Monday, April 1st, 2024)
Added “Bulgarian Bag” to the “Primary Equipment” category heading.
Added “Low Hold” to the “Load Position” category heading.
Added “Front Flag Hold” to the “Load Position” category heading.
Added 78 new cossack squat exercises (including kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell, clubbell, landmine and suspension trainer variations)
Added 14 new bulgarian bag exercises.
Added 12 new additional clubbell exercises.
Added 4 new reverse grip bicep curl variations.
Added 8 missing kettlebell exercise video demonstrations.
Added 10 missing kettlebell exercise video explanations.
Corrected “Alternating” in exercise name description for cossack squat variations (vs. single side cossack squat)
Corrected “Adductors” to “Quadriceps” in “Target Muscle Group” for cossack squat variations. “Adductor Magnus” is now a secondary muscle for the exercise.
Corrected “Anterior Deltoids” to “Posterior Deltoids” in the “Prime Mover Muscle” heading for kettlebell halo variations.
Removed duplicate exercise entries.
Version 1.4 Update Notes (Friday, March 1st, 2024)
Added the option to download the exercise database in Google Sheets for those that don’t have Microsoft Excel. You can now view the Google Sheets spreadsheet in your web browser for your convenience.
Added the option to be notified via email when an updated version of the database is released.
Filmed and added 18 missing clubbell video explanations on YouTube.
Filmed and added 6 missing cyclist squat variation video explanations on YouTube.
Added 18 new clubbell exercises.
Added 8 new indian club exercises.
Added 4 other new miscellaneous exercises.
Version 1.3 Update Notes (Monday, February 5th, 2024)
Cleaned up all of the external links and embedded them into the cell text. For example, “Video Demonstration” is now a clickable text that will take you to the YouTube link - I think it looks more organized.
Added 38 missing exercise video demonstrations.
Added 18 missing video explanations.
Added the “Hip Flexor” category to “Target Muscle Group” filter.
Renamed “Hip Abductors” and “Hip Adductors” to “Abductors” and “Adductors” for simplicity, and not to be confused with “Hip Flexor”.