Strength to Overcome

Functional Fitness Exercise Database



Functional Fitness Exercise Database in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

Training Resource

Created for personal trainers and fitness coaches to help with the organization of their exercises in a searchable format, this free exercise database is available in both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets for personal use. It is a valuable resource to refer to when designing fitness programs and learning new movement patterns.

With over 30 search filters for each exercise, you can navigate quickly through the 3000 + functional exercises to find the information you need in seconds when creating your workouts at home or at the gym. Your time is valuable - no more wasted time!

Searchable Filters

The database includes the following searchable filters to pinpoint your exercise search: exercise demonstrations / technique explanations (YouTube), difficulty level, body region, muscle group, prime mover muscle, exercise equipment, posture, movement pattern, plane of motion, exercise classification, grip and many more! I’m simply directing you to relevant information regarding each exercise - please give your support to any YouTube channels referenced.

The fitness library also includes exercises using the barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, gymnastics rings, parallette bars, calisthenics, clubbells, indian clubs, maces, the bulgarian bag, the strongman sandbag, the landmine attachment, suspension trainer, sliders and other functional equipment that you may not have used for your current workouts. All exercises requiring you to move, stabilize, and develop functional and pain free strength.

Why I Created It?

As a personal trainer, it can be difficult to get accurate information quickly about certain exercises as I’m trying to coach clients or design training programs. You have to sift through hundreds of webpages, YouTube videos and databases trying to find what you need - which takes hours of your valuable time. And when you’re training for most of the day, your time is limited and you need to work efficiently.

My vision with this exercise database is that it becomes a standardized tool for fitness professionals - summarizing all of the functional fitness exercises available in one place, that can be filtered to get the detailed information that you need quickly. One more tool in your fitness toolbox.

How to Use?

Video Tutorial Microsoft Excel (YouTube)

To Search:

Within the database, we can filter each category heading in bold using the drop down arrow tab. Select “Filter Items”, and you can select one item or multiple items in the list. You may also select as many category headings as you require, creating an extremely detailed search. Once the filters have been applied, the large database of exercises becomes much more manageable given the parameters of your search.

To Reset All Filters for New Search:

Once you have completed your first search, you will need to reset the filters to get back to the original data set. This can be completed by going to the “Data” tab at the top of your screen, selecting “Filter”, and then “Clear All”. You are now back to the original database and can begin your next search!


Help to Improve


Feel free to share with your friends, family, and colleagues - whomever would benefit from using this tool on their personal fitness journey.

If possible, please share the link to the download page (not just the excel/google sheets file) so I can better keep track of the number of total users.


Your feedback is welcomed - join me on the subreddit, r/personaltraining, to share your thoughts on improvements for future versions. Click the button below to start a discussion.


Resources Tab:

I have included a resources tab within the database, which is a list of tools, equipment and other resources to help your personal training business or personal fitness journey. If you find the database useful and would like to help support the continued development of the project, feel free to explore this section.

This allows me to keep the database free and shareable for trainers worldwide.

Receive Updates

As the exercise database is far from complete, I will be making periodic updates to continue to improve the quality of the information provided and replace broken links if necessary. If you would like to stay up to date with the most recent changes, feel free to either follow on twitter (@strength2o) or subscribe at the bottom of the page to be notified via email when a new release is launched.

The button below will take you to the update notes page, providing a detailed summary of the latest improvements.

Get Your Copy!

Current Database Version: Functional Fitness Exercise Database (version 2.6)

The exercise database works best on your laptop/desktop or tablet and is available for download in both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets format.

Microsoft Excel:

Google Sheets:

Desktop Version

Download database in Google Sheets, it will open in a new web browser in view only mode. Before you can use the filter buttons, you must sign in to your google account, then select “file“ and “make a copy” to save a new copy of the database. Now you are able to use the filter buttons.

iOS app Version

Download database in Google Sheets, it will open in the Google Sheets iOS app in view only mode. Before you can use the filter buttons, you must select “…” then “share & export” then “make a copy”. Now you are able to use the filter buttons.